Sunday, 22 September 2013

Sugar Rush

"To much sugar can’t be a good thing", she reflected, as a faint bubbling sensation in her stomach reminded her of her earlier indulgence.
Suddenly, it stopped. There was a sudden clear popping sound interrupting her thoughts, as she gasped up a perfect globe of sugar, which had evidently travelled up her intestines and food pipe. Her uncut toenails and neatly trimmed finger ones started to fizzle and crack, until a sudden growth spurt hit them and they shot off her in white crystals, curving and curling around her twig-like arms, encompassing her mass. Her skin was overcome by terrible convulsions, transforming into candy paper and liquorice and gooey caramel. Her very bones trembled and elongated and convulsed as they shaped into hardened sugar canes, brittle to the touch. The muscles surrounding them turned into strands of gelatinous gummy worms, weaving their way through her body. Her veins, too, transmuted their baggage, now carrying sugared sirup instead of oxygenized blood. Her brain, by now a mess of vermicelli, collapsed into an incoherent mess of heaping strands. Her candied body began to glow, and eventually shoot off white hot light towards the end of her transformation,
At its conclusion, she vanished, leaving behind a single red gumdrop.

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